Fun in the Water: Recreational Activities of Varying Difficulties

Fun in the Water: Recreational Activities of Varying Difficulties

The water is always attractive to thrill and adventure seekers. You might want to be in calm and peaceful water for mindful relaxation or among extremely aggressive waves for more dangerously thrilling experiences.

There are many recreational activities that you can do at sea, but not all activities are perfect for everyone. Find a suitable activity for you and your friends or family depending on the intensity and difficulty that you want to experience:

Level 1: Fishing

If you’re not a big fan of going underwater and being vulnerable to the uncertainties of what lies beneath the surface, then fishing can be the perfect way to test the water. Not everyone finds fishing exciting because you’re going to spend most of the time in anticipation, but it can be rewarding once you get a bite.

You can choose between going out on a boat on fresh or saltwater to try your luck. If you want to catch a specific kind of fish, such as salmon or halibut, then you should go to a place that is popular for those like Alaska. That way, your salmon fishing adventure can be worth the travel and effort.

Another method of catching fish is rock fishing, which won’t require you to go out to sea. Rock fishing is a popular pastime in Australia and New Zealand, and it’s done by casting rods into the sea from rocky outcrops instead of a boat.

Level 2: Snorkeling

If you want to go underwater, but on your terms, then snorkeling in shallow reefs might be the best way for you to do so. You can be exposed to the underwater wildlife, sunken ships, and coral reefs with only your snorkeling gear and courage.

This can be an exciting way for you to discover another kind of world hidden beneath the waves, and you won’t need an oxygen tank or a license to do it. You can do this water activity with your friends, and together, you can see rare or endemic marine animals with your own eyes. Source:

Some of the best places to go snorkeling are in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Devil’s Crown in the Galapagos Islands, or at Grenada in the Caribbean. You can see an expanse of corals and animals, sunken volcanic cones, and the first-ever marine sculpture garden in those places, respectively.

Level 3: Diving

If you want to take snorkeling to the next level, then diving is the way to go. Having diving equipment and an oxygen tank on your back will allow you to go deeper into the ocean than you ever have before. But of course, you’ll need some training and a license to dive on your own.

There are also various types of diving that you can partake in, but the two umbrella categories are scuba diving and free diving. The first category requires you to have an oxygen tank and a breathing apparatus, while the latter is done at breath-hold.

In scuba diving, you can do drift diving and go where the currents take you or wreck diving to explore shipwrecks and other sunken vessels. You can also go as far as 40 meters or 131 feet underwater to see caves and caverns, which is considered deep diving.

Level 4: Wakeboarding

If you’re feeling extremely sporty and you want to practice midair skateboarding tricks on the surface of the water, then wakeboarding is the activity you’re looking for. You will get to test the strength of your knees, your balance, and the ability to remain standing while being pulled by a motorboat.

Many people find this extreme sport incredibly exhilarating, especially because you will feel proud of yourself for pulling it off. Wakeboarding is something that you should try at least once in your life, and even more if you’re fond of skateboarding.

Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself during the first few times because that happens to everyone. Only those who are really lucky can manage to ride a wakeboard for the first time and not fall off. Falling into the water is part of the process, so forget about what other people will say and just enjoy yourself.

Level 5: Cage Diving

If you’re not satisfied with the thrill of midair stunts and being pulled by a motorboat, then cage diving might be the kick you’re looking for. Imagine being enclosed in a cage and in proximity to real-life sharks. That will feel like something straight out of a movie, but it’s not.

Shark cage diving was originally done for scientific observation and underwater cinematography, but it has recently become a popular water recreation available for tourists. It takes diving and snorkeling to an entirely new level because there’s the added fear factor of being near sharks.

You can be up close and personal with great white sharks in Isla Guadalupe in Mexico or with Galapagos, sandbar, and tiger sharks in the O’ahu Island in Hawaii. If you want to see bronze whalers, then the Western Cape of South Africa is the perfect place to go.

The water has a place for everyone. Some go to the sea to seek solace from the chaotic world, so they prefer the calm water that continuously ebbs and flows. Others use the water to test their human limits by doing extreme activities and chase after thrills.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen